The Hardest 2.5 Minutes of Your Training Life!
Are you ready to push your limits? The Revolution 2.0 brings you a brutal yet effective protocol that will take your grip endurance to the next level—in just 2.5 minutes! This isn’t your average workout; it’s an intense, time-efficient challenge that will leave your...
No Gym? No Problem! Train Your Forearms Anywhere
The Revolution 2.0 isn’t just a piece of gym equipment—it’s a tool for grip strength that fits seamlessly into everyday life. Our customers have found incredibly creative ways to make the most of it, squeezing in workouts wherever they are. Here are some fun,...
Why You SHOULDN’T Neglect Forearms
1. Focus on “Mirror Muscles: The focus on “mirror muscles” overlooks key areas of weakness leaving supporting muscles like the forearms undertrained. 2. Belief in Indirect Training: Some assume that other upper-body exercises (like pull-ups) adequately train the...
The Anatomy of the Forearms and Exercises to Strengthen Them
When training for strength or athletic performance, most people focus on larger muscles but neglect smaller ones. However, the muscles in your forearms are vital for daily tasks and athletic performance. They control movements of your wrists, hands, and fingers,...